EUR/USD Analysis: Dollar Strength and Demand Fears Weigh on Eurozone, Challenging Growth Prospects

EUR/USD Analysis: Dollar Strength and Demand Fears Weigh on Eurozone, Challenging Growth Prospects

EUR/USD在技术层面上出现下滑走勢。上周,由于美元走强和市场情绪恶化,EUR/USD遭遇了抛售压力。然而,經過兩天的抛售後, 歐美开始从前一天的下跌中恢复过来,目前在1.0840的支撑位附近交易。在基本面方面,欧元区三月份的工业产出出现下滑,环比下降了4.1%,加剧了对全球需求的担忧。此外,欧洲央行政策制定者卡齐米尔发表了鹰派言论,欧盟委员会对2023年通胀预期进行了修订,将通胀预期从二月份的5.5%上调至5.8%,同时将GDP增长预期从0.9%上调至1.1%。这些因素引发了对2023年下半年增长可持续性和需求前景的担忧。

EUR/USD experienced a slide in its value, with the support level at 1.0840 holding for the time being. Last week, the pair faced a late-week selloff due to the return of US Dollar strength and a decline in market sentiment. However, it has started to recover from the drop observed in the previous day’s trading. On the fundamental side, Eurozone industrial production faltered in March, declining by 4.1% compared to the previous month. This has added to concerns about global demand. In addition, ECB policymaker Kazimir’s hawkish tone and the EU Commission’s revised forecast indicating higher inflation and GDP growth in 2023 have raised questions about the feasibility of sustained growth in the second half of that year.

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